
The world as we know it can not survive without Forests.  There are a huge number of trees in the North West, but not all land covered in trees is considered a "Forest" by all. There are a large number of land owners and each one has a different goal for their "wooded land." As we continue to hone our understanding of the natural world around us, more and more landowners are moving to ecologically sound land management processes. 

Forestry is done differently today than it was 100 years ago. There are now laws in place to limit road runoff, protect riparian areas and endangered species, limit clear cutting size, replant, and manage forest land. New practices combine selective harvest, thinning,  regeneration cuts, and more with commonly known forms like cable yarding, skidding, and ariel harvest. 

Resource Management Means Conservation                      Resource Management Means Tree Farms

     When the trees you built forts in get cut down, it can be a traumatic experience. You played in those trees as kids, they had been there since your grandfather was a child. However, in Oregon, those trees were likely planted with a specific end harvest in mind and there were probably multiple thinnings along the way.

     In Oregon, Reforesting Laws ensure that 2 trees are planted for every 1 that is processed. While the new field of saplings can make us feel weird, and honestly a little bit sad; the hillside will be covered in 15-25 foot trees a decade from now. When your grandchildren come along, there will be a mighty stand of trees on the hillside for them to play in once again! Eventually, those trees too will be utilized as a renewable resource.

     We think of the woods as many ecological biozones and a magical retreat. They are, but Timber can also be a crop like cotton or wheat. Trees have fantastic life spans and you only get to see one or, if you time it right, maybe two replantings in your entire life. Not only have humans been making shelter and tools out of wood since the beginning; many are starting to rethink our prevalent usage of plastics, metals, and concrete with looming climate and ocean crises. 
